the best game... ever

Prime x1

Off-trade: 273

Asterios x5

Off-trade: 1042

New Hunter x55

Off-trade: 119

Medea x3

Off-trade: 173

4 178

2025-03-31 05:10:09: Boss Varka's Chief Horus was killed
Boss Varka's Chief Horus was killed. The number of attackers: 1. Last hit was dealt by DarkTower from clan Morrowind.

2025-03-31 04:49:53: Boss Ketra's Hero Hekaton was killed
Boss Ketra's Hero Hekaton was killed. The number of attackers: 1. Last hit was dealt by DarkTower from clan Morrowind.

2025-03-31 04:26:33: Boss Kernon was killed
Boss Kernon was killed. The number of attackers: 6. Last hit was dealt by Extrasence from clan KoreanStyle.

2025-03-31 04:09:28: Boss Shilen's Messenger Cabrio was killed
Boss Shilen's Messenger Cabrio was killed. The number of attackers: 3. Last hit was dealt by Romanas from clan ПРЕСТУПНОЕ.

2025-03-31 00:27:02: Boss Death Lord Hallate was killed
Boss Death Lord Hallate was killed. The number of attackers: 8. Last hit was dealt by KceHuK.

2025-03-30 20:00:00: The siege of Innadril has ended
Castle Innadril is captured by the clan YoungGuns.

2025-03-30 20:00:00: The siege of Schuttgart has ended
Castle Schuttgart is captured by the clan UnreaLInferno.

2025-03-30 20:00:00: The siege of Gludio has ended
Castle Gludio is captured by the clan lDominator.

2025-03-30 20:00:00: The siege of Dion has ended
Castle Dion is captured by the clan The11Legion.

2025-03-30 20:00:00: The siege of Aden has ended
Castle Aden is captured by the clan TheFantasyWorld.

2025-03-30 20:00:00: The siege of Oren has ended
Castle Oren is captured by the clan SmartLine.

2025-03-30 20:00:00: The siege of Goddard has ended
Castle Goddard is captured by the clan lCHIVASl.

2025-03-30 20:00:00: The siege of Rune has ended
Castle Rune is captured by the clan Emperes.

2025-03-30 20:00:00: The siege of Giran has ended
Castle Giran is captured by the clan ExcellentForce.

2025-03-30 19:51:41: Seized control of the castle Oren
Clan SmartLine temporarily seized control of the castle Oren.

2025-03-30 19:47:09: Seized control of the castle Gludio
Clan lDominator temporarily seized control of the castle Gludio.

2025-03-30 19:42:28: Seized control of the castle Giran
Clan ExcellentForce temporarily seized control of the castle Giran.

2025-03-30 19:38:09: Seized control of the castle Schuttgart
Clan UnreaLInferno temporarily seized control of the castle Schuttgart.

2025-03-30 19:33:07: Seized control of the castle Gludio
Clan Begrip temporarily seized control of the castle Gludio.

2025-03-30 19:32:25: Seized control of the castle Oren
Clan Ultraviolence temporarily seized control of the castle Oren.

2025-03-30 19:26:55: Seized control of the castle Gludio
Clan Satanics temporarily seized control of the castle Gludio.

2025-03-30 19:04:38: Seized control of the castle Innadril
Clan YoungGuns temporarily seized control of the castle Innadril.

2025-03-30 18:55:07: Seized control of the castle Giran
Clan Citadel temporarily seized control of the castle Giran.

2025-03-30 18:54:59: Seized control of the castle Innadril
Clan Карапузики temporarily seized control of the castle Innadril.

2025-03-30 18:27:19: Seized control of the castle Schuttgart
Clan DreamTeams temporarily seized control of the castle Schuttgart.

2025-03-30 18:24:34: Seized control of the castle Gludio
Clan Begrip temporarily seized control of the castle Gludio.

2025-03-30 18:19:26: Seized control of the castle Gludio
Clan Satanics temporarily seized control of the castle Gludio.

2025-03-30 18:15:08: Seized control of the castle Dion
Clan The11Legion temporarily seized control of the castle Dion.

2025-03-30 18:11:30: Seized control of the castle Oren
Clan SmartLine temporarily seized control of the castle Oren.

2025-03-30 18:00:00: The siege of Innadril has started
The siege of Innadril has started, current owner: YoungGuns.

2025-03-30 18:00:00: The siege of Dion has started
The siege of Dion has started, current owner: BlackShadow.

2025-03-30 18:00:00: The siege of Gludio has started
The siege of Gludio has started, current owner: lDominator.

2025-03-30 18:00:00: The siege of Oren has started
The siege of Oren has started, current owner: Ultraviolence.

2025-03-30 18:00:00: The siege of Schuttgart has started
The siege of Schuttgart has started, current owner: UnreaLInferno.

2025-03-30 18:00:00: The siege of Aden has started
The siege of Aden has started, current owner: TheFantasyWorld.

2025-03-30 18:00:00: The siege of Goddard has started
The siege of Goddard has started, current owner: lCHIVASl.

2025-03-30 18:00:00: The siege of Giran has started
The siege of Giran has started, current owner: DiabloZ.

2025-03-30 18:00:00: The siege of Rune has started
The siege of Rune has started, current owner: Emperes.

2025-03-30 17:25:09: Boss Ketra's Commander Tayr was killed
Boss Ketra's Commander Tayr was killed. The number of attackers: 3. Last hit was dealt by 1GG from clan Nipoks.

2025-03-30 14:13:55: Boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel was killed
Boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel was killed. The number of attackers: 1. Last hit was dealt by Dakarai from clan Bollywood.

2025-03-30 13:11:03: Boss Ketra's Chief Brakki was killed
Boss Ketra's Chief Brakki was killed. The number of attackers: 6. Last hit was dealt by KonOff from clan #ph_GreenZerg.

2025-03-30 12:24:05: Boss Varka's Commander Mos was killed
Boss Varka's Commander Mos was killed. The number of attackers: 5. Last hit was dealt by ПесньДьявола.

2025-03-30 11:56:04: Boss Longhorn Golkonda was killed
Boss Longhorn Golkonda was killed. The number of attackers: 8. Last hit was dealt by FredTheRed from clan SpeedForcTM.

2025-03-30 09:16:55: Boss Kernon was killed
Boss Kernon was killed. The number of attackers: 11. Last hit was dealt by Vl80Vl80 from clan SpeedForcTM.

2025-03-30 04:53:07: Boss Shilen's Messenger Cabrio was killed
Boss Shilen's Messenger Cabrio was killed. The number of attackers: 8. Last hit was dealt by Vl70Vi70 from clan SpeedForcTM.

2025-03-30 03:49:46: Boss Varka's Hero Shadith was killed
Boss Varka's Hero Shadith was killed. The number of attackers: 2. Last hit was dealt by GentleTouch from clan Owl.

2025-03-30 01:07:46: Boss Death Lord Hallate was killed
Boss Death Lord Hallate was killed. The number of attackers: 6. Last hit was dealt by TheGreen from clan TheGreenHead.

2025-03-29 23:58:50: Boss Beleth was killed
Boss Beleth was killed. The number of attackers: 12. Last hit was dealt by adibas from clan DVVS.

2025-03-29 22:15:42: Boss Queen Ant was killed
Boss Queen Ant was killed. The number of attackers: 27. Last hit was dealt by ruco43 from clan Triumphants.

2025-03-29 22:00:11: Territory wars has ended
Territory wars has ended.

2025-03-29 21:53:36: Player ArtesPK lost the flag
Player ArtesPK lost the flag of Rune castle.

2025-03-29 21:52:58: Attempt to capture the flag of Rune castle
Player ArtesPK from the clan TheFantasyWorld, fighting for the castle Aden, catch up flag of Rune castle, belonging to the castle Rune.

2025-03-29 21:52:44: Player Эпистрофей lost the flag
Player Эпистрофей lost the flag of Rune castle.

2025-03-29 21:52:10: Attempt to capture the flag of Rune castle
Player Эпистрофей from the clan TheFantasyWorld, fighting for the castle Aden, catch up flag of Rune castle, belonging to the castle Rune.

2025-03-29 21:51:55: Player EternalWay lost the flag
Player EternalWay lost the flag of Rune castle.

2025-03-29 21:51:20: Attempt to capture the flag of Rune castle
Player EternalWay from the clan TheFantasyWorld, fighting for the castle Aden, catch up flag of Rune castle, belonging to the castle Rune.

2025-03-29 21:51:18: Player ТворюЧтоХочу lost the flag
Player ТворюЧтоХочу lost the flag of Rune castle.

2025-03-29 21:50:07: Boss Orfen was killed
Boss Orfen was killed. The number of attackers: 10. Last hit was dealt by 2KillS from clan Conquerors.

2025-03-29 21:36:45: Player Elnora lost the flag
Player Elnora lost the flag of Giran castle.

2025-03-29 21:35:37: Attempt to capture the flag of Giran castle
Player Elnora from the clan lCHIVASl, fighting for the castle Goddard, catch up flag of Giran castle, belonging to the castle Giran.

2025-03-29 21:31:45: Attempt to capture the flag of Rune castle
Player ТворюЧтоХочу from the clan BlackShadow, fighting for the castle Dion, catch up flag of Rune castle, belonging to the castle Rune.

2025-03-29 21:30:14: Player ТемныйТанцор lost the flag
Player ТемныйТанцор lost the flag of Rune castle.

2025-03-29 21:28:36: Attempt to capture the flag of Rune castle
Player ТемныйТанцор from the clan UnreaLInferno, fighting for the castle Schuttgart, catch up flag of Rune castle, belonging to the castle Rune.

2025-03-29 21:28:27: Player ТворюЧтоХочу lost the flag
Player ТворюЧтоХочу lost the flag of Rune castle.

2025-03-29 21:28:14: Player Raphtalia lost the flag
Player Raphtalia lost the flag of Giran castle.

2025-03-29 21:27:30: Attempt to capture the flag of Giran castle
Player Raphtalia from the clan Emperes, fighting for the castle Rune, catch up flag of Giran castle, belonging to the castle Giran.

2025-03-29 21:25:41: Player zxcEnd lost the flag
Player zxcEnd lost the flag of Giran castle.

2025-03-29 21:25:06: Attempt to capture the flag of Giran castle
Player zxcEnd from the clan Emperes, fighting for the castle Rune, catch up flag of Giran castle, belonging to the castle Giran.

2025-03-29 21:25:01: Player Raphtalia lost the flag
Player Raphtalia lost the flag of Giran castle.

2025-03-29 21:24:32: Attempt to capture the flag of Giran castle
Player Raphtalia from the clan Emperes, fighting for the castle Rune, catch up flag of Giran castle, belonging to the castle Giran.

2025-03-29 21:21:00: Innadril castle flag returned to Goddard castle
Innadril castle flag returned to Goddard castle.

2025-03-29 21:19:46: Attempt to capture the flag of Innadril castle
Player МолотАсгарда from the clan DiabloZ, fighting for the castle Giran, catch up flag of Innadril castle, belonging to the castle Goddard.

2025-03-29 21:18:16: Player ГромоБаф lost the flag
Player ГромоБаф lost the flag of Dion castle.

2025-03-29 21:16:45: Attempt to capture the flag of Rune castle
Player ТворюЧтоХочу from the clan BlackShadow, fighting for the castle Dion, catch up flag of Rune castle, belonging to the castle Rune.

2025-03-29 21:16:18: Player Farmsletti lost the flag
Player Farmsletti lost the flag of Innadril castle.

2025-03-29 21:16:04: Player Эпистрофей lost the flag
Player Эпистрофей lost the flag of Rune castle.

2025-03-29 21:16:02: Attempt to capture the flag of Rune castle
Player Эпистрофей from the clan TheFantasyWorld, fighting for the castle Aden, catch up flag of Rune castle, belonging to the castle Rune.

2025-03-29 21:15:47: Player 3у6астыйАнгел lost the flag
Player 3у6астыйАнгел lost the flag of Rune castle.

2025-03-29 21:15:25: Attempt to capture the flag of Rune castle
Player 3у6астыйАнгел from the clan TheFantasyWorld, fighting for the castle Aden, catch up flag of Rune castle, belonging to the castle Rune.

2025-03-29 21:15:21: Player ТворюЧтоХочу lost the flag
Player ТворюЧтоХочу lost the flag of Rune castle.

2025-03-29 21:14:34: Attempt to capture the flag of Dion castle
Player ГромоБаф from the clan DiabloZ, fighting for the castle Giran, catch up flag of Dion castle, belonging to the castle Goddard.

2025-03-29 21:13:14: Attempt to capture the flag of Innadril castle
Player Farmsletti from the clan DiabloZ, fighting for the castle Giran, catch up flag of Innadril castle, belonging to the castle Goddard.

2025-03-29 21:12:43: Player Genocid lost the flag
Player Genocid lost the flag of Dion castle.

2025-03-29 21:12:39: Player Магдалена lost the flag
Player Магдалена lost the flag of Innadril castle.

2025-03-29 21:12:02: Attempt to capture the flag of Dion castle
Player Genocid from the clan DiabloZ, fighting for the castle Giran, catch up flag of Dion castle, belonging to the castle Goddard.

2025-03-29 21:11:50: Attempt to capture the flag of Innadril castle
Player Магдалена from the clan Emperes, fighting for the castle Rune, catch up flag of Innadril castle, belonging to the castle Goddard.

2025-03-29 21:11:45: Player Raphtalia lost the flag
Player Raphtalia lost the flag of Dion castle.

2025-03-29 21:11:34: Player Medvedpwnz lost the flag
Player Medvedpwnz lost the flag of Innadril castle.

2025-03-29 21:09:57: Attempt to capture the flag of Innadril castle
Player Medvedpwnz from the clan Emperes, fighting for the castle Rune, catch up flag of Innadril castle, belonging to the castle Goddard.

2025-03-29 21:09:42: Attempt to capture the flag of Dion castle
Player Raphtalia from the clan Emperes, fighting for the castle Rune, catch up flag of Dion castle, belonging to the castle Goddard.

2025-03-29 21:09:25: Player zxcEnd lost the flag
Player zxcEnd lost the flag of Dion castle.

2025-03-29 21:09:20: Player Medvedpwnz lost the flag
Player Medvedpwnz lost the flag of Innadril castle.

2025-03-29 21:06:50: Attempt to capture the flag of Innadril castle
Player Medvedpwnz from the clan Emperes, fighting for the castle Rune, catch up flag of Innadril castle, belonging to the castle Goddard.

2025-03-29 21:06:45: Attempt to capture the flag of Dion castle
Player zxcEnd from the clan Emperes, fighting for the castle Rune, catch up flag of Dion castle, belonging to the castle Goddard.

2025-03-29 21:01:00: Dion castle flag captured
Dion castle flag, belonging to the castleDion, captured by clan lCHIVASl and now belongs to the Goddard castle.

2025-03-29 21:00:45: Innadril castle flag captured
Innadril castle flag, belonging to the castleDion, captured by clan lCHIVASl and now belongs to the Goddard castle.

2025-03-29 20:57:14: Attempt to capture the flag of Dion castle
Player Elnora from the clan lCHIVASl, fighting for the castle Goddard, catch up flag of Dion castle, belonging to the castle Dion.

2025-03-29 20:57:05: Attempt to capture the flag of Innadril castle
Player Neuvillette from the clan lCHIVASl, fighting for the castle Goddard, catch up flag of Innadril castle, belonging to the castle Dion.

2025-03-29 20:54:48: Attempt to capture the flag of Schuttgart castle
Player Илианна from the clan DiabloZ, fighting for the castle Giran, catch up flag of Schuttgart castle, belonging to the castle Schuttgart.

2025-03-29 20:50:05: Schuttgart castle flag returned to Schuttgart castle
Schuttgart castle flag returned to Schuttgart castle.

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